To register a
Multi-State Cooperative society, you should atleast have 50 members from each
state and the following procedure should be adopted:
1. An
application for registration of a multi-state cooperative society under
sub-section (1) of section 6 shall be made in Form I and shall be signed by
(a) at least
fifty persons from each of the state concerned;
(b) in the case
of a multi-state cooperative society of which the members are cooperative
societies, by duly authorised representatives on behalf of at least five such
societies as are not registered in the same state; and
(c) in the case
of a multi-state cooperative society of which another multi-state cooperative
society and other cooperative societies are members, by duly authorised
representatives of each of such societies:
(d) in the case
of a multi-state cooperative society of which the members are cooperative societies
or multi-state cooperative societies and individuals, by at least
(i) fifty
persons, being individuals, from each of the two states or more; and
(ii) one
cooperative society each from two states or more or one multi-state cooperative
and should be
accompanied by
(a) four copies
of the proposed bye-laws of the multi-state cooperative society, duly signed by
each of the persons who sign the application for registration;
(b) a list of
persons who have contributed to the share capital, together with the amount
contributed by each of them, and the admission fee paid by them;
(c) a certificate
from the bank or banks stating the credit balance in favour of the proposed
multi-state cooperative society;
(d) a scheme
showing the details explaining how the working of the multi-state cooperative
society will be economically sound and the registration of such multi-state
cooperative society will be beneficial for social and economic betterment of
its members through self-help and mutual aid in accordance with the cooperative
(e) certified
copy of the resolution of the promoters which shall specify the name and
address of one of the applicants to whom the Central Registrar may address
correspondence under the rules before registration and dispatch or hand over
registration documents.
(2) The
application for registration shall be disposed of by the Central Registrar
within a period of four months from the date of receipt thereof by him.
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